Archive for March, 2013

Spring Break Drunk Driving Crackdowns Expected Throughout Texas


Throughout the state of Texas, there are certain times of the year when law enforcement makes a special effort to crack down on drivers they suspect are intoxicated. Our Texas DWI lawyers know that many people are arrested during these crackdowns, sometimes as a result of overly aggressive searches, because the police are so focused on stopping alleged drunk drivers.

One such crackdown will be occurring over the next several weeks. According to the Laredo Sun, the Texas State Department of Public Safety (DPS) is launching a special operation to supervise local highways to catch drivers who are celebrating over spring break and who potentially have had too much to drink.

The Statewide Crackdown On Drunk Drivers

According to the Laredo Sun, DPS officers will be on a “relentless hunt” for drunk drivers in March because traffic accidents historically occur more frequently during this month as a result of spring breakers.

The article also indicated that a thousand arrests were made during the crackdown period and that 300 were detained as a result of officers working overtime. A special fund provided by the Texas Department of Transportation provided money for the overtime payments.

Unfortunately, with more officers on the road and with a special focus on trying to catch anyone who might be driving drunk, this increases the chances that officers will stop you improperly.

Law enforcement cannot pull you over and make you submit to a blood alcohol test unless there is reasonable suspicion that you are doing something wrong. If you are pulled over for an unrelated offense, such as a broken headlight, they also cannot force you to submit to a field sobriety test or a BAC test unless there is reasonable suspicion that you are intoxicated.

If police try to pull you over or make you submit to a drunk driving test without cause, your constitutional rights are violated. Any evidence police collect in an unlawful and unconstitutional search cannot be used against you.

Out-of-State Visitors and DWI Charges

Texas DPS stages the crackdown on drunk drivers in March because of spring break holidays. These holidays are also likely to attract visitors from out of state who come to Texas for vacation.

If you are arrested for drunk driving when you are on vacation, it may be tempting to head home and try to forget about the incident. However, you need to be aware that any criminal charges that were brought for DWI in Texas don’t just disappear when you go back to your home state.

You will likely have to come back to Texas to plead guilty or not guilty to your DWI offense. A license suspension in Texas will also follow you to your home state and prevent you from driving there. As such, if you were subject to arrest on spring break due to the DPS Texas crackdown, you need to be proactive in getting help and understanding your legal options.

You need an experienced, aggressive Texas DWI lawyer.  Call 1-800-395-5951 today for your free consultation. More than 20 years experience.